Unveiling agriculture prospects at e-forum 2023

e- forum

Yesterday, Agritrack’s CEO Vlasis Tsezos participated as a speaker in the event hosting by e-Forum of Agricultural Development 2023 showcasing the incredible strides made #startup ecosystem in the industry.

The event brought together some of the brightest experts, such as Platon Marlafekas, Thomas Bartzanas, Michael Katharakis, Dimitrios Kouretas, Christos Panagiotou, Dimitris Karadimas and Chris Xouris all sharing their knowledge to drive the industry forward.

Mr. Michael Dritsas CEO of Elevate Greece, spoke passionately about how innovative startups are revolutionizing the processes and quality of agriculture, creating promising prospects of improvement for the local and global market

These impactful events raise awareness within the agricultural sector by showcasing the products and solutions offered by startups that can help all stakeholders gain access to the latest advancements towards smart agriculture.

At Agritrack, we are dedicated to fostering growth in the agricultural sector and helping our clients expand their business.